Here I intend to keep various poetry (not mine usually but
that is not excluded). I hope I won't infrange any copyright
law, and hereby ask the owners to warn me in case I am
See also the music page.
La notte dei geodati (breve raccontino per insonni)
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A short fiction about open access to public geodata,
posted by Rattus Norvegicus on the rekombinant
mailing list (
La mia patria (non e' un'azienda)
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Lyrics of a song from the Reperto RaIOT satirical piece
Sabina Guzzanti
I bought the DVD+Book version edited by BUR (2005) for
16EUR. It's worth it! The book is for more then a half
composed by documents gathered by Marco Lillo explaining
Sabina's statements. On
Sabina's site
you can find some video
excerpts from the show and mp3 recorings.
I mirrored the mp3 here.
The "Tiggi' Ciao" song is dedicated to Daniela Tagliafico, vice director
of the first national news program (TG1); she was "purged" by the
director due to political contrasts (censured, someone says). You can
read more from herself on the Schienadritta [it] blog, created by public television journalists to promote a reform of it.
Io non vorrei crepare
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An lovely translation of the poem of Boris Vian, as transcribed when
I worked as a light technicial in a theater of Rome. Thanks to
Andrea Buscemi for sharing (the actor playing it every night just
before the start of the real play - for the joy of himself and the
very little platea formed by me and occasionally other actors of
the company).
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A short rhyme about spring written by Lina Schwarz and pubblished
by Bietti in 1954. The book has no ISBN printed, sorry - didn't
invent it yet ? Title of the book is "Ancora...e poi basta!".
It has been a present to my dauther from a friend of mine working
in the used book market (il Conte).
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A short rhyme written by Laura Santilli at the age of 10.