I'd like to point you to other people on the net.
People listed here are those with a story to tell.
On the web it doesn't matter how many things you have
in mind if you don't share them. Share your thoughts !
Would be nice to make a map showing on-earth base-location
of them (as far as it doesn't become a privacy killer).
The list is in progress. Many friends I'd like to add
but didn't find time to write their thoughts down yet :(
Mateusz Loskot - [en]
Modern C++ hacker, starker then me ! :D
John Gilmore - [en]
Entrepreneur and Civil Libertarian.
Among *many* other things, he started the
Electronic Frontier
Foundation and the ``alt''
newsgroups on Usenet.
You really want to visit him :)
Rob Savoye - [en]
A GNU hacker, currently maintaining the promising GNU Flash Player (http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/).
Among his interests, alternative living technologies.
Martun Guy -
An enlightened hacker, caring about concrete things like sharing
informations and supporting informatin-sharing infrastructures ;)
Also, an exellent sysadmin!
Menon-Sen (crab)
- [en]
An indian net-worker (free-software developer and poet),
his dog Bertie and his global micro company.
Richard Stallman (rms)
- [en]
The crazy furious that gave birth to the Free Software Foundation and
the GNU project. Here you can read about his other interests (music,
travelling, fun stuff, thougths), as expressed by himself.
Robert James Hanrahan (rjh)
- [en]
A musician. He has an highly heavy web site. I told him many
times, but he can't see the harm he is doing. Anyway, you can
listen to his music online and eventually buy a CD from him
(if you can't find a link to do so write him, and tell him to
make his site more light-weighted ;).
He is an host-mate and also lives at 5 minutes from me, both moved
here around 2003/2004.
Frank Warmerdam
- [en]
Geospatial programmer for rent (from his signature).
Free software developer and visionar in since a long time.
Scott Ranney
- [en]
Jazz pianist, composer, computer geek, ski bum. You can listen some of his live performances from the link above.
He created the Learn Jazz Piano community site.
Paolo Attivissimo
- [it]
Giornalista informatico e cacciatore di bufale.
Particolarmente interessante il suo blog.
Arturo Di Corinto - [it]
Ho conosciuto Arturo nel periodo in cui facevamo entrambi parte del collettivo di Avana BBS (Forte Prenestino circa 1996). Si capiva gia' che avrebbe fatto il politico - ma non glielo dite che si potrebbe offendere ;P.
Ah, a proposito, e' grazie a lui che ho conosciuto Diana un paio di anni piu' tardi :)
This list is separate because you won't find much on the target website,
but I'd like to convince the publishers to share some more ;)
Alessandro Curci (htrex)
- [en]
Htrex lifeform. Just-born website of one of my co-developers on the SIMM
framework. He is the flash guy now. We were both sysops of an old cybernet
BBS (among others).