Hello, Burt!

Following our first album togheter, and after moving to Siena for taking formal music studies, me and Elisabetta have started a new project with a local guitarist and a new setup: she plays bass in this combo.

The bass was sold to her by Fabio, a friend of mine who wasn’t finding the time to play it. That friend was the inspiration for me to play the songs written by Burt Bacharach, who I did not know much about, before Fabio mentioned him to me.

Bacharach is known for his great melodies, which is why playing his music with a melodic instrument, like the trumpet, is so fun and satisfactory you would never stop. Nonetheless trumpet can be hard on your lips, so I’ve been also singing every now and then to let them rest a little bit 🙂

So, with the band ready, I’ve been producing lead sheets with lilypond and recording some of the pieces with ardour. Ain’t Free Software lovely ?

The result of such work can be heard live or on bandcamp, which also provides the embedded player in this post.
