In late 2003 I bought my first house, in which I still live. It is located in Capranica, a small city (less then 6000 inhabitants) near the Vico lake (5 minutes by car).

The guy who sold me the house bought it in 2001 and restructured it, so we got just renewed. It is the last floor of a 3-floors building, with two small balconies under the sky (you see the roof top from there). One balcony is in the leaving room, the other in our bedroom. The leaving room is very nice, with an open kitchen and a wood stove. You can see the towers of the historical city from the leaving room's balcony.

We'd like to do home swapping, which is moving to your house while you move in our one for a given period of time. I can do it in any period of the year as long as I can access the Internet. If you are interested let me know, no matter where you are or what house you have (as far as a we all fit in it, 2+1).


Click on each picture to see a larger version (not so large, don't worry).

Photo: piano, stove and computer in the leaving room
The leaving room (part1)
Photo: Laura's room
Laura's bedroom.
Photo: Laura facing the bath mirror
The bathroom.
Photo: bedroom
Our bedroom.
Photo: kitchen
The kitchen (same space of the leaving room, other side).
Photo: leaving room
The leaving room (part2).